Set up connected TV campaigns on Samsung TV

With Adjust's partnership with Samsung, you can add your Adjust cross-device link to creatives you serve in Samsung TV campaigns. This lets you measure the success of your CTV campaigns and their role in driving mobile app installs.

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.

Helpful information

  • Adjust is an approved vendor for Samsung Ads. This means that representatives from Samsung handle the implementation of your creatives and Adjust links in the Samsung platform.

1. Add Samsung as a network in Adjust and create a link

To run CTV-mobile campaigns with Samsung, you need to set up the network in the Adjust dashboard. This activates our integration, and allows us to send data to Samsung. Then, once Adjust creates your link, you'll need to make a small customization to ensure compatibility for cross-device campaigns.

To create your campaign link, follow these steps.

  1. Select Campaign Lab.
  2. Select + New Partner.
  3. Select Samsung DSP from the list.
  4. Choose the app you want to create the link for.
  5. Enable data sharing: select Edit, then switch ON the toggle and select Enable
  6. Optional: Set your data sharing preferences, and map events.
  7. Under Set your link use case, select Cross-device link.
  8. Enter a name for your link.
  9. Optional: Update the link's campaign structure parameters to map to your preferred Samsung macros.
    • Check the full list of available Samsung network macros you can use.
    • Before setting up your campaign parameter mappings, always consult your Samsung representative.
  10. Optional: Customize the attribution window for your cross-device link.
  11. Review your link settings and select Create link.

Now, append the following parameter-value pairs to your link to support impression-based probabilistic matching:


Here's an example Samsung cross-device link with optional network macros mapped to Adjust campaign parameters, and the necessary impression-recording parameters appended.

Next steps

Samsung Ads is a managed service. This means that you do not need to manually upload your creatives to the platform or add Adjust links to creatives yourself.

Once you have created your cross-device link in the Adjust dashboard, reach out to your Samsung Ads representative. You can send them both the link(s) and creative(s) you will run in your campaign, and wait for their confirmation. And that's it - you're all set!

All Samsung network macros

Network macrosFormatDescription
__ADVERTISER_ID__integerThe advertiser ID for this impression. Example: 324
__ADVERTISER_NAME_ENCODED__stringThe URL component encoded name of the advertiser for this impression. Example: Acme%20Corp
__APP_BUNDLE_ID__stringThe application bundle ID identifying the application from which the ad request was initiated, for in-app advertisements. Example:

This value is configured or passed to the ad exchange by the application publisher or representative for in-app advertisement traffic originating from various app platforms such as iOS, Android, Tizen TV, etc. App bundle ID values may be re-used between platforms so it is advisable to consider this value in conjunction with user-agent or detected device and/or platform type. For example, on Tizen TV may be different than on Android.
__CAMPAIGN_ID__integerThe campaign ID for this impression.
__CLICK_TRACKER_URL__stringThe click tracker URL. Example:

Appending a second URL to this URL will result in AdGear counting a click for this impression and re-directing to the second URL.
__CLICK_TRACKER_URL_ENCODED__stringSame as __CLICK_TRACKER_URL__ but URL component encoded.
__CREATIVE_ID__integerThe creative ID for this impression. Example: 234
__DEVICE_UID_TYPE__stringThe device unique ID type. Possible values are: ag_cookie, apple_ifa or google_ifa
__DEVICE_UID__stringThe device unique ID value to go along with the device unique ID type.
__FORMAT__stringThe format/size for this impression. Example: 300x250
__FLIGHT_ID__integerThe flight ID for this impression. Example: 324
__RANDOM_NUMBER__stringA random number string typically used to construct non-cacheable URLs.
__SPOT_ID__stringThe spot ID for the impression, unique to a single spot within a bid request. Example: 5664451242760709529

Note: A single bid request may contain multiple spots, so an impression is uniquely identified by the combination of __BID_REQUEST_ID__ and __SPOT_ID__ 
__TIMESTAMP__integerThe number of seconds elapsed since the epoch date, January 1, 1970 (UTC) at the time of the impression call. Example: 1490936822
__TXN_ID__stringThe unique ID for this impression. Example: c0728d4e-6691-11e3-9c63-fb540000002f:5664451242760709529

This is typically used for server-side conversion tracking. It can be passed via a click tracker to the destination page where the destination site later associates it with a transaction and reports it back to AdGear by calling a conversion tag.

Note that this is usually equal to __BID_REQUEST_ID__:__SPOT_ID__.
__TXN_ID_INT__integerNumerical version of the __TXN_ID__, useful when you need a unique integer ID for a BidRequest and Impression combo.
NOTE: This macro cannot be used for conversion attribution.
__IP__stringThe IP address of the browser/device for this impression. Example: