Review ATT settings in the dashboard

Your final step before completing ATT setup is to confirm your settings in the dashboard. This should only happen after you have:

1. Check your attribution privacy model

Attribution privacy models enable you to control exactly what data can be accessed and shared according to the user’s ATT consent status. The attribution privacy model is set for each individual app.

To check your attribution privacy model:

  1. Under AppView, select All apps.
  2. Select your app.
  3. Select the Attribution settings tab.
  4. Navigate to Attribution privacy model.

2. Check your raw data exports

Adjust's raw data exports enable you to send user-level data to your servers or cloud storage provider. Use this data with your existing analytics tools.

You can review your raw data export settings at any time. Remember to add placeholders to receive a user's ATT consent status.

  1. Under AppView, select All apps.
  2. Select your app.
  3. Select the Server callbacks or Cloud storage uploads tab.
  4. Navigate to Attribution privacy model.