Set up your view in Datascape

When you first open Datascape, you need to check that your view is set up to show the relevant apps, time frame, and other important settings.

Configure your data

Use the filters to provide a view of the data that will help you optimize your campaigns. Select Data configuration () to view all available options.

Changes to the configuration are automatically saved per user. These changes persist between login sessions.

Time period

Date period

Use the Date picker to select the time period for which you want to display data. By default, data is displayed for the last 7 days. The date picker presents a list of preset time periods and includes the option to set a custom one. Use the calendar to define your prefered period.

Compare to

Use the Compare to filter to compare data between two time periods. By default, the dashboard does not display comparisons between data.

The filter allows you to compare your selected time period with the following:

  • Previous immediate period.
  • Previous periods from a day, a week, a month, a quarter, or a year ago.
  • Custom periods.

Custom periods

You can select a custom time period in the Compare to filter. The filter allows you to pick any period prior to your date selection.

Example: You select a period of 7 days using the Date picker, from Aug 24 to Aug 30. Then, you selected Aug 10 as a custom-period starting date using the Compare to filter. The filter automatically selects the remaining days from Aug 10 to Aug 16.

Date picker - Select a custom time period of 7 days from Aug 24 to Aug 30.




Use the App filter to choose the apps that you want to analyze. By default, all apps that you have access to are selected.

  • Use the Search field to find a specific app.
  • To see a specific subset of your apps, select them from the dropdown list and select Apply.
  • Select Reset to remove any applied filters and reset to the default setting, reselecting all available apps from the list.

If all apps are selected, the App filter displays the All label. If you selected a subset of the apps, the App filter displays the number of selected apps.


Use the Channel filter to check the performance of a particular channel. By default, data from all channels is displayed in the dashboard.

App currency

Use the App currency filter to view data for your selected currencies.

Store type

If you have a multi-platform app, use the Store type filter to narrow down data for the app store that you're interested in. By default, data from all stores is displayed in the dashboard.


Use the Country filter to show data for a particular country or region. By default, data from all countries is displayed in the dashboard.


Attribution type

Attribution type determines the source to which a user's app install is credited, based on their interaction with an ad. While the total number of installs displayed remains constant regardless of the attribution type, Attribution type influences how the source of the install is identified.

Consider the following attribution types:

  • Impressions: Attributes the install to an ad impression if the user viewed an ad from a specific partner but did not click on it. If there was no impression, the user is attributed to the Organic channel.
  • Click: Attributes the install to a click if the user clicked on an ad. If there was no click, the user is attributed to the Organic channel.
  • All: Combines both impression and click attributions, crediting the install to the partner responsible for either the impression or the click. A user is attributed to the Organic channel if there were no clicks or impressions from any other channel.

This approach ensures that every install is accounted for, while accurately identifying the source that contributed to the user acquisition.

Attribution source

Use Attribution source to filter attributions and in-app activity under the user's original attribution link or view their activity distributed across their original attribution link, and later reattributions, based on the selected timeframe.

  • First - View a user's original attribution source.
  • Dynamic - View all the sources a user was attributed or reattributed to.

Attribution status

Use Attribution status to view data for users with a specific attribution status. You can filter by:

  • Installed - Users still attributed to their original install link.
  • Reattributed - Users reattributed to a new source.
  • All - All users.



Visualize and analyze your data in production or Sandbox mode, select Sandbox mode to check your data for testing purposes.

Cohort maturity

Adjust allows you to visualize your data in terms of Cohort maturity. Select the immature option to view the accumulated data for ongoing cohort periods, or select mature for fully-elapsed periods. See How cohorts work to know more.

IAP revenue mode

In-App (IAP) revenue mode lets you visualize data according to the approximate gross profit margin you earn from in-app purchases. This mode applies a calculation to the gross revenue reported from in-app purchases, deducting the estimated associated costs. The deduction also applies to any metrics that use IAP revenue data.

  1. You have an in-app purchase event worth 100 USD for an app in the Apple App Store.
  2. The Apple App Store takes 30%, leaving you with 70 USD in revenue.
  3. The transaction took place in the UK where you pay 20% VAT, which leaves you with a total of 58.33 USD.
    • Depending on the country of the transaction, taxes and charges may vary.

In this example, the approximate profit margin is 60%. To set up your reports to show numbers that represent the amount you will actually receive after costs, you can enable the IAP revenue mode at 60% to apply the reduction to all metrics.

Ad spend source

Adjust uses two different ad spend sources to fetch spend data: Network and Attribution. Use the Ad spend source filter to determine which source you want data displayed from. See How ad spend source affects your data to know more.

UTC offset

Use the UTC offset filter to choose the timezone in which you want to display data.

Ad revenue sources

Use the Ad revenue sources filter to view data from the ad revenue sources that you want. This filter is available on the Monetization dashboard only. See Ad revenue to learn more.

Selecting multiple ad revenue sources for the same partner can cause Datascape to return duplicate data. For example: if you select both Admost and Admost SDK, you will receive duplicated revenue information from both sources. Select a single source from each partner to avoid duplications.

Ad revenue sources in Datascape are set per-report at the app level. To configure default ad revenue sources at the account level, contact

Legacy filters


Use the Network filter to view data for your selected networks.


Use the Partner filter to view data for your selected partners.