Set up web attribution

Follow the instructions in this article to set up web attribution for your app.

1. Send your web base URL to Adjust

Adjust needs to add your web base URL to our internal interface to set up your app. We also need to activate the Web Attribution package on your account. Both of these steps need to be done by Adjust. For more information, contact

2. Integrate the SDK

Follow our developer guides to integrate the web SDK into your web app. Once complete, test the integration. 


There are 3 ways you can check the web SDK is functioning correctly.  

  1. Check the web SDK logs in your browser console.
  2. Use the Adjust Testing Console.
  3. Use the Device API.

To find your web_uuid in your Javascript Console:

  1. Select Application (or Storage if using Safari).
  2. Select IndexedDB.
  3. Select adjust-sdk -> as.
  4. Your web_uuid is displayed as u:<web_uuid>.

3. Set up your app & update links


After Adjust activates web attribution on your account, you can see the web icon on your dashboard apps. The dashboard highlights this icon for your apps using web attribution.

There are 2 options to set up an app for web attribution in Adjust. 

  • Add a new app with web as its only platform. 
  • Use web as a platform for an existing mobile app.

To set up a new app with web as its only platform:

  1. Under AppView, select All apps.
  2. Select New app.
  3. Enter a unique App name and choose the Reporting currency.
  4. Select Add app.
    • Do not select any of the available platforms. Not selecting a platform designates the app as a web app.

Your web app displays in the dashboard!


For web attribution to work, Adjust needs to add your web base URL to our internal interface. Contact your account manager or to set this up for you. For this guide, we use as an example for your website.

Depending upon your setup method, you can expect different behavior from both your new and existing links. Check the information below to see the applicable information for your setup.

4. Set up reporting in Datascape

Use the Platform filter in Datascape to display only installs and sessions associated with web traffic.


When you first integrate the Adjust web SDK, you may see a high volume of "new" users from web. This is because Adjust is seeing their web_uuid for the first time. 

5. Set up reporting using the Report service API

Use the Report service API to programatically report on your web attribution data.

The Report service API provides a set of endpoints to create reports on your Adjust data. To filter your web attribution information:

  1. Choose your endpoint depending on which format you want to receive data in.
  2. Use the dimensions filter and assign the value platform to group your information by platform: dimensions=platform
  3. Add the platform dimension and assign the value webos to return only web results: platform=webos
curl \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <adjust_api_token>' \
--location --request GET '{app_token1},{app_token2}&date_period=2021-05-01:2021-05-02&dimensions=platform&metrics=installs,network_installs,network_cost,network_ecpi&platform=webos'

6. Set up callbacks

There are 2 placeholders available for post-install activities. Add these to your callbacks to start receiving web attribution information in your raw data.

PlaceholderReturn value
{web_uuid}Gives the full device identifier

Example: 4d1615ab-ee78-49aa-a10f-d57035322a42
{platform}Indicates if the activity happened on mobile or web

Example: web