Create a metric alert

Create alerts using your preferred metrics, dimensions, and conditions to monitor your campaigns and applications effectively.

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.

  • All account users with the Pulse Growth Solution can view the list of alerts.
  • Only Admins and Editors can set up and manage alerts. See the Permission levels article for more information about different user roles.
  • Add a Slack workspace if you'd like to get Slack notifications.
Growth solution:
Pulse is available as an Adjust Growth Solution. To get Pulse on your account, contact

Create a new alert

To create a new alert:

  1. Log in to Adjust.
  2. In the left navigation pane, enter the Pulse section.
  3. Select + New Pulse and select one of the following options:
    • Select the Metric alert button to start. Continue on step 4.
    • Select one of the available templates. See the Templates section to learn more.
  4. Give your new alert a name.
  5. Complete the following actions:
    1. Choose your data.
    2. Choose the time period and frequency
    3. Define the alert logic.
    4. Select who to notify.
  6. Select the Create Pulse button to finish.

Choose your data

The default global filters in this section are apps, partners, countries, and channels. You can add more by selecting the more options () button.

Break down the data by dimension and apply filters to it. For detailed information about the dimensions, use our Datascape dimensions glossary. Filters allow you to narrow down your results by using keywords.

Example: You want to know how a campaign called Christmas is performing at increasing user retention in a region. To check, you can select a set of countries from the global filters, and choose the Campaign name dimension. Then, take advantage of keyword filtering by searching for only campaigns that contain "christmas".

To use keyword filtering:

  1. Select filters ().
  2. Choose a rule. The available rule options are: Contains, Does not contain, and Matches exactly.
  3. Write the rule value. You can use keywords as rule values and add as many as you need.
  4. Select Apply.

Choose the time period and frequency

Pulse creates and sends alerts to report all matches in logic. You can select the period that defines how far back Pulse checks your data, and the frequency at which you would like to receive alerts.

These are the time periods to choose from and their available alert frequencies:

Time periodAlert frequency
Last hour
  • Hourly
Last 24 hours
  • Daily
  • Hourly
  • Daily
Last week
  • Applies to the last completed week (Monday to Sunday)
  • Daily
Default: Last 7 days
  • Default: Daily
  • Weekly
Last 14 days
  • Weekly
This month

  • Applies to the elapsed period of the current month
  • Weekly
Last month

  • Applies to the last completed month
  • Weekly
Last 30 days
  • Weekly

Consider the following points when selecting the frequency:

  • Hourly: Runs every hour.
  • Daily: Runs every 24 hours. You can select any time in UTC format. By default, 06:00 time is selected because it best accommodates Ad Spend and SKAN metrics using network data. You can select other hours, just be aware that data availability may be impacted when Pulse runs the job at your selected time.
  • Weekly: Runs every 7 days. You can select any day and time in UTC format. By default, the Daily, 06:00 frequency is selected. You can select other frequency times, just be aware that data availability may be impacted when Pulse runs the job at your selected time.

Define the alert logic

To define what triggers the alert you can:

  • Define a condition that trigers the alert. Select the metric to observe, define a triger rule, and assign a value to that rule.
  • Choose a comparison period when you want to compare fluctuations in data.
  • Use AND conditions to narrow down your alert's logic.
  • Use OR conditions to add more conditions for the same alert.
  • Use cohorted metrics to get notified about cohort performance.

Choose a metric and apply a rule to it. Pulse allows you to check the behavior of your metrics, not only for ensuring if they're meeting a threshold, but also to check if the rule values have increased or decreased over time. These are the available rule options to choose from:

Greater thanHighlights chart positions where values are greater than your input.
Greater than or equal toHighlights chart positions where values are greater than or equal to your input.
Less thanHighlights chart positions where values are less than your input.
Less than or equal toHighlights chart positions where values are less than or equal to your input. 
Is equal toHighlights chart positions where values are equal to your input. 
Increased byHighlights chart positions where values increased by your percentage input.
Decreased byHighlights chart positions where values decreased by your percentage input.

Following the same Christmas campaign example, you would want to know how often the number of installs has increased by 20% in the last 30 days. Knowing this information allows them to adapt their future campaings by setting more accurate alerts. To visualize this data, you would have to do the following:

  1. Select the Installs metric.
  2. Select the Increased by rule.
  3. Enter X as the rule value.

The chart updates itself based upon the alert logic you enter, and highlights where the rules are met. Pulse uses lightning bolts() to make it easier to visualize the data and give a better idea of the alert’s behavior. You can also see how many times the alert would have been triggered in the last period. With this information, you can decide if the generated output is too little or too much, and adjust the rules accordingly.

Compare to

When you use a comparable metric rule such as Increased by or Decreased by, you can select a comparison period. Use the date picker to compare data between the current period and another one. The default period to compare to is one day ago.

The filter allows you to compare data to the following periods:

  • Previous periods from a day, a week, a month, a quarter, or a year ago.
  • Custom date. You can select a custom date in the Compare to filter. The filter allows you to pick any date prior to the current date.

You can use the filter on cohorted metrics as well. Pulse only works with mature cohorts to compare data as partially-elapsed cohorts may give inaccurate results. For example, if you select a 7D Retention metric and want to compare the data to the previous date, the filter selects one day before the last fully-elapsed cohort.

The following images illustrate a 7-day cohort example using October 4 as the current date, and a day ago as the comparison period.

The current date shows a mark on top


Add an AND condition

Pulse allows you to use multi-condition logic to refine your alert. Use a main metric for a broad logic definition, and narrow down your results by using a support metric.


You now want to know from the installs increment ratio, how many of those alerts will include revenue events greater than a certain value. To add the support metric, you would have to do the following:

  1. Select + AND.
  2. Select the Revenue events metric.
  3. Select the Greater than rule.
  4. Enter X as the rule value.

Add an OR condition

Pulse enables you to set more than one condition for your alert. It is different than an AND condition as it doesn't depend on other conditions to trigger the alert. Using a OR condition allows you to:

  • Define a new logic with a different metric, and even use an AND condition within to add a supporting metric.
  • Get notified per condition for a single metric alert.
  • Set up a single metric alert to monitor more than one campaign.

To set up an OR condition after defining the first one:

  1. Select + OR.
  2. Select a metric and a rule, then assign it a value as described in Define the alert logic.
  3. Refine your condition (optional).
    1. Add an AND condition.
    2. Use the compare to filter in case you need to compare data over time.
  4. Select Show chart if you want to visualize your data.
You can add up to two additional OR conditions.

Cohorted metrics

Using cohorted metrics helps you to analyze the behavior of a specific group of users over time. While these metrics allow you to measure the retention and engagement of your users in general terms, by creating alerts using cohorted metrics in Pulse you can:

  • Identify patterns and anomalies that may not be visible when looking at overall data
  • Identify patterns that may indicate a problem before it becomes a critical issue
  • Take more targeted and effective actions to improve performance

Here is a list of available cohorted metrics for your alerts:


  • Retention
  • Sessions
  • Non-Install Sessions
  • Time Spent


  • Ad Impressions
  • LTV
  • Revenue
  • Revenue per User
  • Revenue per Paying User
  • ROAS
  • Ad RPM

You can find more information about cohorted metrics and their definition in Datascape's metric glossary.

Historical data visualization

You can choose how far back you would like to visualize your historical data. The default option might vary according to your alert frequency. Here are the available options:

FrequencyFrequency optionsHistorial data visualization options
Hourly-- Yesterday
- Last 7 days (default)
Daily- Time: Select the time at which the data is checked- Last 7 days
- Last 14 days
- Last 30 days (default)
- Last 3 months 
Weekly- Time: Select the time of the day at which the data is checked
- Day: Select the day of the week at which the data is checked
- Last 30 days
- Last 3 monts (default)
- Last 6 months

Select who to notify

You can send alert notifications via both Slack and email. This notification lets you know how the alert was triggered with high level details, and includes links to view the activity report, or edit the Pulse.


To send the notification via email, simply enter the email address. You can add as many addresses as you like, separating each by comma.


Choose your workspace or send the alerts directly to people using Slack DMs.

You must add a Slack workspace to use this notification channel. See Add a Slack workspace to learn more.
  1. Select Slack from the dropdown.
  2. Select the Slack workspace of your preference.
  3. Select a channel or user to notify.
You can also choose a private channel. To learn how to add one, see Adding private channels