Help Center
14/3/2025 |
Reinstall & reinstall attribution callbacks
Reinstall callbacks are fired every time Adjust records an install from a user who had previously uninstalled your app.
Reinstall attribution callbacks are fired whenever a reinstall session also meets the requirements for reattribution. For example, your inactivity period and reattribution window settings. Thus, we recommend including the placeholders you would add to your reattribution callback URL and those you would add to your reinstall callback URL.
Recommended placeholders - reinstall
Placeholder | Description | Example |
{time_to_reinstall} | Time between latest app uninstall and subsequent reinstall in seconds | 1985847 |
{uninstalled_at} | Uninstall timestamp (estimation based on last session time) | 1522835851 |
{reinstalled_at} | Reinstall session timestamp | 1522825531 |
{last_session_time} | Last session timestamp | 1522835836 |
Callback example
Recommended placeholders - reinstall attribution
Placeholder | Description | Example |
{reattributed_at} | Timestamp for the reattribution session | 1418174568 |
{reattributed_at_hour} | Timestamp for the reattribution session rounded to the nearest hour | 1418173200 |
{first_tracker} | The Adjust link token of the user’s original, install link | abc123 |
{last_tracker} | The Adjust link token of the user’s previous (i.e., prior to the latest reattribution) link | xyz4567 |
{last_tracker_name} | The previous (i.e., prior to the latest reattribution) link name as defined in Campaign Lab | Network4%3A%3AEaster%3A%3ABunnies%3A%3A640x140_jp |
{time_to_reinstall} | Time between latest app uninstall and subsequent reinstall in seconds | 1985847 |
{uninstalled_at} | Uninstall timestamp (estimation based on last session time) | 1522835851 |
{reinstalled_at} | Reinstall session timestamp | 1522825531 |
{last_session_time} | Last session timestamp | 1522835836 |