Manage reattributions

Adjust reattributes users through clicks, impressions, deeplink clicks, and self-attributing networks.

Reattribution through clicks

Every click with a valid advertising ID qualifies for reattribution. Whenever Adjust records a session, we check whether the user can be reattributed based on your app's inactivity period. If they are, and we find an eligible click within your reattribution window, we reattribute the user to that source.

Example link URL with advertising ID:<idfa>

To turn off click-based reattribution at the app level, follow these steps. You can manage reattribution settings at the link level (ad networks | custom links). 

You could also append rt=0 to the query string of your Adjust link URL. Clicks recorded with rt=0 are only used for install attribution, not reattribution.

Example link URL with rt=0:

Reattribution through impressions

Impressions with valid advertising IDs qualify for reattribution if you measure impressions in Adjust. Whenever Adjust records a session, we check whether the user can be reattributed based on your app's inactivity period. If they are, we can attribute them to an eligible impression within your reattribution window.

Example link URL with advertising ID (qualifies for reattribution):<idfa>

To turn off impression-based reattribution at the app level, follow these steps. You can manage reattribution settings at the link level (ad networks | custom links).

Reattribution through deep link clicks

To reattribute users from deep link clicks, you need to make an additional call to the Adjust SDK in your app. Use our developer documentation to find out how to implement this (iOS; Android).

Reattributions through self-attributing networks

Adjust automatically measures reattributions via self-attributing networks with no additional setup. We send all app sessions to every self-attributing network you work with. If they can respond with engagement activity, and the user’s device qualifies for reattribution in Adjust, then it gets reattributed to the self-attributing network.


How do I send reattribution data to my servers/cloud storage?

Can I send reattribution callbacks to networks?

Can Adjust reattribute users within the same app session?

How can I receive fewer reattributions?