Quickstart guide to SKAN campaigns

The Adjust SDK has integrated support for the SKAdNetwork. SKAdNetwork features are enabled by default. This means that Adjust automatically registers for SKAdNetwork attribution when the SDK is initialized and can handle conversion value updates. If you do not want to interact with SKAdNetwork using the Adjust SDK, you can turn the functionality off.

1. Set up SKAdNetwork in the Adjust SDK

SDK version requirements

Adjust supports working with all versions of SKAdNetwork. Depending upon which SKAN version you are running your campaign on, you need to use a compatible version of the Adjust SDK.

Minimum version for SKAN 3: Adjust SDK v4.23.0

Minimum version for SKAN 4: Adjust SDK 4.33.0

Supported development frameworks

SKAdNetwork support is available for all development frameworks that target iOS devices. Your developer can follow these instructions to set up SKAdNetwork in the Adjust SDK:

  1. Download and set up the Adjust SDK:

⚙️ iOS / Unity / Cordova / Flutter / Titanium / Corona / Cocos2d-x / React Native

  1. Follow the guide for your platform to set up SKAdNetwork:

📖 iOS / Unity / Cordova / Flutter / Titanium / Corona / Cocos2d-x / React Native

Support for S2S events

If you do not want to use the Adjust SDK for measurement, and instead want to record events for your app on your server, you can forward these to Adjust as server-to-server (S2S) events. This lets you measure conversion values for both S2S events and events recorded by the Adjust SDK.

Learn more about Adjust's support updating CVs based on S2S events.

2. Verify your App ID

Apple uses the App ID to uniquely identify your app in the App Store. The SKAdNetwork postback contains the App ID, and not the app's Bundle ID. Adjust needs to be able to verify ownership of an app to attribute SKAdNetwork callbacks to it. If an App ID is not verified, it is not possible to report SKAdNetwork results accurately. You need to verify the App ID for your app to use SKAdNetwork features with Adjust.

If your App ID is not verified, you cannot use Adjust's SKAdNetwork solution.


  • App ID verification is available for all iOS apps on all accounts.
  • Only Editors and Admins can request App ID verification.

You need to verify the App ID for each iOS app. To verify your app ID in the Adjust dashboard, follow the steps in our guide to setting up SKAdNetwork settings for your iOS app.

3. Configure your CV settings in Conversion Hub

SKAdNetwork uses conversion values to give you insight into how users interact with your app, regardless of the user's ATT consent status. When you configure your conversion values, you can map values to different revenue or user events.

With Adjust's Conversion Hub, there are different setup modes available to suit your experience with SKAdNetwork. If you're unsure of the best setup, use the predicted learning models to suggest a mapping that fits your app.

Follow these guides for information about our:

4. Work with our SKAN partner integrations

With Adjust's SKAN partner integrations, networks can share a postback with Adjust containing information from the SKAdNetwork payload, as well as any additional metadata or campaign data that is available.

To start sharing data with SKAN partners, ensure that the following steps are completed in Adjust:

  1. Set up conversion value mappings in Conversion Hub.
  2. Set up data sharing and map events in Campaign Lab.

Once this is done, Adjust automatically begins to share your mappings with the partner using the CV Mapping API.

Certain partners use a separate endpoint and/or require additional setup steps to share data with Adjust.
Be sure to check the dedicated setup guides for running SKAN campaigns with Facebook and Google Ads.

5. Check your SKAN data reporting

Visualize and analyze your SKAdNetwork data in Datascape using our SKAN dashboard. You can also set up raw data exports to receive data to your BI servers.

With Adjust's dedicated SKAN metrics, you can get precise insights into your SKAN campaigns.