Analytics partner setup

Set up your analytics partners in Campaign Lab. Our integration lets these partners receive attribution and in-app event data through automated callbacks. Use this data with the partners' tools for analytics and insights.

Before you begin


Set up the analytics partner

Partner selection

  1. Under Campaign Lab, select Partners.
  2. Select New partner.
  3. In the Partner selection screen, choose the analytics partner that you want to set up. Use the Search partners field to search for your analytics partner, or scroll through the list to find it.
  4. After you choose your partner, select Next.

App selection

  1. In the App selection screen, choose the app for which you want to set up your analytics partner. Use the Search apps field to search for your app, or scroll through the apps list to find your app. You can set up your partner for only one app at a time.
  2. After you choose your app, select Next.

Data sharing

Use this section to enable the analytics partner's integration with Adjust, choose data that you want to share with them, and map events and partner parameters.

Enable data sharing

Share data with your analytics partner to merge attribution data from Adjust with data in the partner's reporting solution to analyze user behaviour and trends.

  1. Under Enable data sharing, select Edit.
  2. If you've selected a multi-platform app, provide the required network credentials for the platform that you want to enable data sharing. For example:
    • Username - password
    • Token
    • Key
  3. Select Enable.

Set your data sharing options

Once you enable data sharing, you can choose the amount and type of data that you want to share with your analytics partners through callbacks.

Under Set your data sharing options, follow these steps.

  1. For single platform apps and multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for a single platform only, you set data sharing options for that platform only. For multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for multiple platforms, you can:
    • Separate data sharing options at the platform-level by selecting Use platform-specific settings.
    • Set the same data sharing settings for multiple platforms by selecting Use global settings.
  2. Under What will be shared by default?, review data points that are shared with the partner by default.
  3. Under What other data you want to share?, choose any additional available data points that you want to share with your partner. For example:
    • Ad revenue - You can send data from multiple ad revenue sources to partners.
    • Events - You need to map events to share this data.
    • In-app revenue (from in-app purchases) - You need to map events that generate revenue to share this data.
    • Parameters - You usually need to map parameters to share this data.
    • Sessions
    • Uninstalls and reinstalls

Map events

Map events that you want to share to the values your analytics partner can receive. Data for unmapped events is not shared with your analytics partner.

Under Map events, follow these steps to choose the in-app events you want to directly send to your analytics partner.

  1. Select Map event.
  2. In the Adjust event list, choose the Adjust event that you want to share with your analytics partner.
  3. In the Partner event list, choose or enter a custom event name, that you want to map the Adjust event to.
  4. Select Apply.

Map parameters

If the raw data parameters you collect in the SDK differ from the values supported by your analytics partner, you can define mappings so that the analytics partner can receive that data.

You can view this section only if you have selected Parameters under Set your data sharing options.

Under Map parameters, you can specify how you want to send partner parameters defined in the SDK to the analytics partner.

  1. Select Map parameter.
  2. In the SDK parameter field, enter the name of the SDK parameter you want to share with the analytics partner.
  3. In the Partner parameter field, enter the analytics partner parameter that corresponds to the SDK parameter.

Setup review

  1. In the Setup review screen, review your choices. Make any changes, if required.
  2. Select Enable partner to enable the analytics partner for your app. This also enables data sharing, if you've set it up.