Manage your smart banner setup
Once you've set up your space and smart banner, you can:
- View your spaces and smart banners.
- View apps in your space.
- View and edit your space name, campaign parameters, and attribution settings.
- View and edit your banner details, customizations, and localized versions.
- Delete your space and smart banners.
Manage your space
On the Smart banners page, select
(pencil icon) next to the space name to modify your space. You can only modify the following details:
- On the Space details tab, you can change the space name and campaign parameters.
- On the Attribution settings tab, you can change how to attribute users who engage with an ad before clicking this banner.
(copy icon) to copy the link token of the banner.
(delete icon) to delete a space and all the banners it contains. You'll be asked to enter the exact space name to confirm deletion. It is not possible to recover a space and the banners it contains after you've deleted them.
Manage your banner
On the Smart banners page, in your space, select (pencil icon) next to the banner name to view your banner.
- You can modify any of the following:
On the Banner details tab, under Banner publication, you can publish or unpublish your banner.
(delete icon) to delete a banner from your account. Once you delete your banner, you won't be able to use it on your website anymore, and it is not possible to recover your banner.