Integrating with Adobe Experience Platform Launch Mobile SDK

This integration should only be used if you are using Adobe Experience Platform Launch.

Our Adobe extension lets you leverage Adobe's Experience Cloud solution with Adjust’s attribution technology. With this all-in-one integration, you can holistically drive optimization across all of your mobile marketing campaigns using in-depth performance insights.

Before you begin

Here’s what you will need to get started.


  • Adobe Launch SDK
  • Adjust SDK v4.23.2

Basic Setup

To set up the Adjust SDK Extension, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Adobe Experience Platform Launch.
  2. Select Extensions in your property's overview page.
  3. Find the Adjust SDK Extension in the catalog.
  4. Select Install.
  5. Enter your Adjust app token.
  6. Check that attribution data sharing with Adobe is ON.
  7. Select Save to Library.

Find and install the Adjust SDK Extension


In the event that Share Attribution Data with Adobe is turned OFF, Adjust will continue to record your data. However, this data will not be shared with Adobe and therefore will not display in Adobe's dashboard.

Optional: To better keep track of your extensions, Launch users can first create and select a working library to install the Adjust SDK Extension in.

Advanced Setup

Publishing the environment:

After saving the extension configuration, you will need to publish your environment.

  1. Open your property's overview page.
  2. Select Publishing flow in the left-hand menu.
  3. Select Add new library.
  4. Enter a name.
  5. Select the Development environment.
  6. Select Save & build for development.

Select "Add New Library"


This starts the build. Once the build is finished you will see a green dot next to the library name. This signals you can test the implementation with Adobe's development app ID.

  1. After you have tested and are ready to submit, select Options (more options icon) > Submit for approval.
  2. In the "Submitted" column, select Options > Build for Staging and then Approve for Publishing.
  3. In the "Approved" column, select Options > Build & Publish for Production and then Approve for Publishing.

Select "Options (more options icon) > Submit for approval"
