Push notification support

With push notifications, you can deliver personalized content to your customers. Because push notifications let you communicate with your current users, you can use deep links to bring them to a specific place in your app and measure reattributions.

Here, you will learn how to set up measurement for push campaigns in Adjust.

Before you begin


SDK requirements

To use this feature, you first need to download and set up the Adjust SDK for your platform. Follow the instructions linked below to get started.

⚙️ iOS / Android

Once you have the Adjust SDK installed and configured, follow the guides linked below to set up reattribution via deep links:

📖 iOS / Android

Measure push notifications

To start measuring push notifications, follow these steps. 

  1. Copy the link token from your link URL. In this example, the link token is abc123. Link tokens may be six or more characters. Always use the full-length link token in your link URL. For example: https://app.adjust.com/abc123.
  2. Add adjust_t=your_token to the query string of your deep link. For example: myshoppingapp://super/exclusive/discount?adjust_t=abc123.
  3. Send your finished URL to your push notification provider.

If you would like to capture more information, you can also append the following campaign parameters to your deep link query string to record three more levels of segmentation:

Parameter NameFunction
adjust_campaigncampaign-level structure parameter
adjust_adgroupadgroup-level structure parameter
adjust_creativecreative-level structure parameter

Good job! Now that you have sent your finished URL to your push notification provider, we can begin attributing your campaign traffic.


Why can't I see my reattributions?

Can I create a retargeting list of users who have push notifications turned on?

Can I record click data for push notifications?