Integrate Adjust deep links in Salesforce Marketing Cloud account

When email service providers (ESPs) wrap the deep linking URL with their own link, it breaks the iOS universal link. Read this article to understand how you can perform deep linking and click recording with your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account.

Before you begin

Here’s what you need to know before getting started.

ESP requirements

To use this feature, you need to retrieve the click recording domain associated to your email campaigns. You will need to add this to your app later.

SDK requirements

Before you start, you first need to download and set up the Adjust SDK for your platform. Follow the instructions linked below to get started:

⚙️ iOS / Android

Once you have the Adjust SDK installed and configured, follow the guides linked below to set up deep linking:

📖 iOS / Android

Enable deep linking with Adjust universal links for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) supports universal links on top of their domain. In this case, deep linking and click recording can be performed.

In Salesforce Marketing Cloud

  1. Purchase and implement Sender Authentication Package in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
  2. Use an SSL Certificate and submit an SSL Request Form for your click recording domain.
  3. Implement iOS universal link for your account.

Your setup of universal links and deep linking is complete when SFMC sets up the Apple App Site Association (AASA) file. This process might take a few hours. You can see your generated file using the following URL: https://[click_recording_link_domain]/apple-app-site-association

In your app

Enable Associated Domains for your click recording domains in Xcode. For more information, see Apple's documentation.

Link Resolution

When you run email campaigns, the ESP typically wraps all links in the emails with its own click recording redirect URL. This measurement allows you to view click-through statistics in the ESP. However, if the emails contain Adjust Universal Links, the redirect URL causes iOS to not resolve the Adjust Universal Links properly. You need to use Link Resolution to solve this issue.

Learn more about how to set up link resolution in the Adjust SDK.

In your email campaign

Use your Adjust Universal Link as Universal Links in your Email Studio.

Test the integration before launching your live email campaigns. You’re all set!