Snapchat integration details

Here you can find details about how Adjust's Snapchat integration reports data, and answers to frequently asked questions.

How it works

How does Adjust measure installs with Snapchat?

  1. Since Snapchat does not use Adjust link URLs, Adjust sends them every app session our SDK reports.
  2. If Snapchat recognizes the activity, they respond with the device identifier and timestamp.
  3. Following our own attribution method, Adjust then uses the engagement data from all networks to attribute the install to the last source.

Integration details

Per Snapchat's requirements, Adjust (and all other Snapchat Measurement Partners) does not store Snapchat attribution data for longer than 150 days. Therefore, once this limit has been reached, Snapchat-attributions are automatically displayed under a separate Adjust link called Expired Attributions. Expired attributions will be listed at the campaign level (sublevel 1) for the following sources:

  • Snapchat Installs
  • Snapchat Audience Network

While Adjust will continue to measure users’ future activity, all events and sessions will display within the Expired Attributions link. Please note that the change applies retrospectively, so all previously measured event and session data will remain with its user, within the Expired Attributions campaign-level link.

Expired attributions are a display modification and not considered reattributions in Adjust.


What is a Snap App ID?

Why should I pass the Snap App ID in postbacks to Snap?

What Snapchat campaign data does Adjust report?

Why isn't Adjust measuring my Snapchat campaigns?