Set up X (formerly Twitter)

As an X (formerly Twitter) Mobile App Conversion Tracking Partner (MACT), Adjust can measure your performance marketing efforts on X (formerly Twitter).

X (formerly Twitter) ads are organized by X (formerly Twitter) handles and X (formerly Twitter) Ads accounts. While each X (formerly Twitter) handle is directly associated with a specific Ads account, its access can be extended to include additional ad accounts within your X (formerly Twitter) interface. Therefore, apps in Adjust may be associated with various Ads accounts and any number of handles. All X (formerly Twitter) handles and X (formerly Twitter) Ads accounts can be precisely configured in managing data visibility and sharing.

When making changes to your X (formerly Twitter) account setup, we always recommend pausing your X (formerly Twitter) campaigns, since the MACT API requires a complete re-sync of all modified account data.

X (formerly Twitter) will only integrate with one MMP at a time. If you migrated from another MMP to Adjust, and the X (formerly Twitter) integration isn’t working, make sure you’ve disabled your X (formerly Twitter) integration with your previous MMP. If you’ve already closed your account with the previous MMP, contact them to confirm the X (formerly Twitter) integration is disabled.

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.


Initial setup

To set up X (formerly Twitter) for your app, follow these steps.

  1. Under Campaign Lab, select Partners.
  2. Select New partner.
  3. In the Partner selection screen, choose Twitter. Now, Adjust checks if you have added your X (formerly Twitter) account in DataWorks > Connections.
    • If you have not added your X (formerly Twitter) account, go to the next step.
    • If you have already added your X (formerly Twitter) account, go to Step 5.
  4. Select Go to Connections to add your X (formerly Twitter) account, and follow these steps.
    1. Accept Twitter's Mobile App Conversion Tracking (MACT) Terms & Conditions.
    2. Select Sign in with Twitter.
    3. Log in to X (formerly Twitter) with your account credentials, and select Authorize app. This automatically redirects you back to the Connections management page in DataWorks.
    4. Select Reload accounts.
  5. In the App selection screen, choose your app, and select Next.

Then, set your data sharing options, review your setup, and enable X (formerly Twitter) for your app.

Data sharing

Share data with X (formerly Twitter) to optimize your campaigns. In the Data sharing screen, follow these steps.

Enable data sharing for X (formerly Twitter)

Choose the X (formerly Twitter) accounts that you want to share data with. Expand the accordion to choose the accounts associated with an X (formerly Twitter) handle, and select the accounts that you want to send data.

Data that is sent to X (formerly Twitter) is determined by the accounts that you select for the selected app. The data sent is not separated by platform - Android or iOS.

Set your data sharing options

Once you enable data sharing, Adjust sends data from all attribution sources to X (formerly Twitter) by default. This includes data attributed to X (formerly Twitter), data attributed to other networks, and organic data. Additionally, you can choose to share the following data with X (formerly Twitter).

  1. Select In-app revenue (from in-app purchases) to send detailed revenue data to X (formerly Twitter). You need to map events that generate revenue to share this data.
  2. Select Parameters to share all partner parameters configured in the Adjust SDK for any activity you share with X (formerly Twitter). You usually need to map parameters to share this data.

Map events

Map your events to forward in-app event data directly to X (formerly Twitter).

If you selected In-app revenue (from in-app purchases) to send detailed revenue data to X (formerly Twitter), ensure that you map at least one revenue event to X (formerly Twitter).

To forward in-app events or revenue events to X (formerly Twitter), follow these steps.

  1. Select Map event.
  2. In the Adjust event list, select the Adjust event that you want to share with X (formerly Twitter).
  3. In the Partner event list, select an applicable X (formerly Twitter) event.
  4. Select Apply.

X (formerly Twitter) events available for mapping

Map parameters

If the raw data parameters you collect in the SDK differ from the values supported by X (formerly Twitter), you can define mappings so that X (formerly Twitter) can receive that data.

You can view this section only if you have selected Parameters under Set your data sharing options.

To map your parameters, follow these steps.

  1. Select Map parameter.
  2. In the SDK parameter field, enter the name of your Adjust partner parameter as written in the Adjust SDK.
  3. In the Partner parameter field, enter the corresponding X (formerly Twitter) parameter name.
  4. Select Apply.

After you set this up, Adjust forwards custom event details directly to X (formerly Twitter) for any of your linked events.

Supported X (formerly Twitter) parameters

Setup review

  1. In the Setup review screen, review your choices. Make any changes, if required.
  2. Select Enable network to enable X (formerly Twitter) for your app, and enable data sharing, if set up.
You do not need to create a link for X (formerly Twitter). The links are created automatically after you set up and start a campaign with X (formerly Twitter). Adjust then starts attributing users to your campaigns.

Next steps

  1. Go to X (formerly Twitter) and set up your campaign.

    • Corresponding links are created automatically and appear on the network details page.
  2. (Optional) Customize your attribution settings from the Twitter network details page.

Receive X (formerly Twitter) attribution data via raw export data

Adjust always reports X (formerly Twitter) attributions. By default, raw data export displays X (formerly Twitter) attributions as Organic. To receive X (formerly Twitter) attribution data via raw data export, follow these steps.

  1. Join the X (formerly Twitter) Advanced Mobile Measurement (AMM) Program. Sign into your X (formerly Twitter) account and complete this form. You may need to contact your X (formerly Twitter) Account Manager to complete this process.

  2. Notify Adjust that you have joined the AMM program. Contact your Adjust Technical Account Manager or for them to complete the process.

Once Adjust has completed the process, you can see X (formerly Twitter) attributions for eligible users in your raw data export.

Users who have opted out of additional information sharing with business partners on their X (formerly Twitter) accounts, or who are otherwise ineligible for information sharing, appear as Organic in your raw data export.

In order for Adjust to confirm that you are active in the AMM Program, you must currently be running X (formerly Twitter) campaigns. You may need to confirm with your X (formerly Twitter) Account Manager.