Google Ads reporting

Here you can find details about how Adjust reports aggregated Google Ads campaign data in Datascape and common reasons for data mismatch between Adjust and Google Ads.

Report structure

The campaign information that Adjust reports varies depending on the Google Ads inventory in use.

Adjust link levelGoogle ads term
NetworkGoogle Ads [campaign type]
Campaigncampaign_name (campaign_id)
  • This comes from your Google Ads dashboard
AdgroupDepends on the inventory
CreativeDepends on the inventory
Google Ads can occasionally send Adjust an attribution claim without the campaign_type parameter or with the parameter populated with an unknown value. When this happens, we attribute the engagement to Google Ads (unknown).


Adjust link levelGoogle Ads term
NetworkFor ACI: 
Google Ads ACI

For ACE: 
Google Ads ACE

Google Ads Pre-registration
Campaigncampaign_name (campaign_id)

Example: iOS Google App campaigns test (12345678)
Adgroupadgroup_name (adgroup_id)
Creativenetwork_type network_subtype
ACI iOS Search inventory doesn't appear in your attribution data in Adjust.


Adjust link levelGoogle Ads term
NetworkGoogle Ads Shopping
Campaigncampaign_name (campaign_id)
Creativenetwork_type network_subtype


Adjust link levelGoogle Ads term
NetworkGoogle Ads Search
Campaigncampaign_name (campaign_id)
Creativekeyword_matchtype, e.g., hotel_Broad

Display (GDN, Admob)

Adjust link levelGoogle Ads term
NetworkGoogle Ads Display
Campaigncampaign_name (campaign_id)
CreativePlacement, Example: mobile_app - 1

Video (Youtube, Admob)

Adjust link levelGoogle Ads term
NetworkGoogle Ads Video
Campaigncampaign_name (campaign_id)
Creativevideo_id, Example: 98765456784

Adjust link levelGoogle Ads term
NetworkFor Hotel: 
Google Ads Hotel 
For Performance Max: 
Google Ads Performance Max
Campaigncampaign_name (campaign_id)
Creativenetwork_type network_subtype
Google Ads sends Adjust an attribution claim without the adgroup_name or adgroup_id parameter for Google Ads Performance Max campaigns. Therefore the adgroup-level link of Google Ads Performance Max campaigns report as unknown in Adjust. This is an expected response.

Adjust link levelGoogle Ads term
NetworkGoogle Ads Local, Smart & Discovery
Campaigncampaign_name (campaign_id)
Creativenetwork_type network_subtype

Data mismatch

It is quite common to see a mismatch between Google Ads and Adjust-reported installs. This does not mean that either source reports incorrectly. It is usually related to different attribution logic, settings, or availability of data. In the case of a reported install discrepancy, we recommended that you consider the following.

Acquisition strategy

If you are advertising on multiple channels, it is possible that a reported Google Ads user is attributed elsewhere in Adjust.

Adjust's Google Ads API integration sends all recorded installs to Google Ads. As a self-attributing network, Google Ads responds to Adjust with click data. If Google Ads has a click timestamp record from a user's earlier ad engagement, they report this as an install on the Google Ads dashboard.

However, as a third-party attribution partner, Adjust considers all sources and only attributes the user to Google Ads if it is the most recent source of ad engagement (within the applicable attribution window). Therefore, it is possible that a Google Ads-reported user may be attributed elsewhere within Adjust.

Attribution logic

The following metrics represent installs in Adjust:

  • Installs - Installs attributed by Adjust based on your attribution settings. Adjust attributes installs to a single partner that had the last and most relevant engagement.
  • Installs (Network) - Installs reported on Google Ads' side. Adjust pulls this data through the API.
  • (iOS only) SKAN conversions (total conversions) - Installs and reinstalls reported by SKADNetwork. Apple performs attribution, and Adjust collects data via postbacks from Google Ads.
InstallsAdjust can only perform deterministic attribution in real time for Google campaigns due to limitations from Apple. 
  • iOS install numbers are expected to be low as Google traffic does not always have AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) implemented in Google inventory apps.
Android devices can support deterministic matching without advertising IDs.  

Installs (Network)Google Ads uses modeled conversions in which they predict how many installs a particular campaign should have generated. Google Ads claim all installs for which they have engagements. They do not have information about other engagements. 
SKAN conversions (total conversions)Apple performs last-click attribution and sends postbacks to winning partners. You might need to wait for 48 hours before the data is displayed in the dashboard.
  • For iOS 14.5 + devices, we cannot collect the IDFA if the user does not provide consent via the ATT request. Google does not support probabilistic modeling for these users. This means if the user did not accept ATT consent on Google Ads' side and in your app, we would attribute that user to organic, even if the install source is Google Ads.

Attribution window

If the attribution windows on both platforms are different, you can edit your Adjust attribution windows to match Google Ads 30 day attribution window.

Time zone

Confirm that the time zones on both platforms are the same.

Conversion date

Google Ads reports conversion events as the day of click, while Adjust reports conversions on the day of install (i.e., first app open).